Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Going back in time.....a little

I'm actually going back in time a little with these couple of posts to show you where we've been in the last six weeks. Here is a progression of pictures from 10 weeks to 14. Good thing this only goes to family and close friends because it's weird to have my bare belly on the internet!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

16 weeks pic!

Sorry, forgot to add the pic! Here we are at 16 weeks!

Amanda made me do it!

Okay, so here we are.....on "the net" to share and remember some of the fun things about our growing family (and because Amanda suckered me into it). :) Right now, I'm 16 weeks along, and feeling great. I had a typical first trimester, with the icky nausea and extreme exhaustion (not to mention the boob soreness--sorry boys, and all the other "typical" symptoms), but now that I'm fully in my second trimester, I'm feeling great! I do have a little bit of a pooch (see pics below), but have close to six months to go and oh so much more to grow!

Baby Fincher is about 4.5" long, or so "they" say, which is about the size of an avocado! I'm not feeling any movement yet, though I really thought that i felt him/her move when we were visiting Annie/John in St. Louis last weekend, but it may have just been gas (okay, sorry again). I can't wait to REALLY be feeling the baby move!

Our next appointment is May 20, which is "the big" appointment when we'll get to find out if it's a boy or girl! I'm so excited, that i put a "countdown" on this blog. ha.

Anyway, i hope to keep this updated pretty regularly (my hope is weekly) until baby is born....and pretty often after that. We are so blessed....and SO excited to be starting this adventure. I can't believe I get to be a mom. Thank you, Lord!