Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Busy month!

March has been a busy month! From a trip to Arkansas, to playdates, to spring cleaning the house (both inside and out), to a visit from Nana and Pops....it's been one fun-filled month! And, since pictures are the best storytellers, here ya go!

One morning we had a playdate with our friends Jennifer and Tucker and our African refugee friends too! Here's Silas with Rosemary....just enthralled at all the toys and balloons that lay before him!

Jenn had TONS of balloons (72 to be exact) that were blown up and all over the floor for the kids to play with.

Here are Jen and Tucker....you may remember them from the pics of our Gulf Shores trip (http://thefincherfam.blogspot.com/2008/06/gulf-shores-at-22-weeks.html) back in June and how little Tucker was then....look how big he is now!!

Another date was with our friends Abram and Lucas (Lucas was born in January). Here is Abram just loving on Silas...so sweet! Silas was obviously excited....since his feet and toes are all extended!

Here is how Silas wanted to help me with some of the housecleaning inside (Mommy, is this how you fold laundry???)

Ah, he melts me.....

And this is how he helps me outside....he would just hang out in his high chair playing with his toys....such a good little boy!

We had another play date with Silas's friend Avery and my friend Whitney. Whitney and i worked together at True North and were pregnant at the same time....due only nine days apart! Even though Avery came a bit earlier than Silas, there was never any competition (yeah right, we laid them down like this...and here is the conversation that ensued).
Avery and Silas: Hi, aren't we cute?

Avery: hey, wait a minute, you are getting ahead of me
Silas: Hi, aren't I still cute?

Avery: HA, take that! You'll never get ahead of me!!!
Silas: um, what is going on....and why is this kid biting me?

Avery: who, me?? I would never do such a thing....but now i'm closer :)
Silas: Seriously, there was something just biting my arm...why does nobody believe me?

Nana and Pops came to visit for a week and Silas loved every minute of it. Pops is a big gentle pillow and Silas just drifted off to sleep....very sweet.

Silas eating his lunch....

Nana giving it to him.....

Silas also has a new favorite toy....his jump up. He could seriously stay in it all day if i would let him and he will jump himself to sleep....literally! Check it out!
After all of the fun excitement of the month, Silas is just pooped! Here he is completely conked out.....with daddy right next to him. So sweet!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Five Months Old!

This past weekend we got to travel to Arkansas for Annie Ann's baby shower.....we were so excited to see her and Aunt Lainey and Josie and Kaiya too! It wasn't complete at all, though, since Aunt Mana wasn't there....but we know she was there in spirit. It was a beautiful shower....and Annie was just loved on and blessed. It was so fun to see how much she is loved!

It was Silas' first flight too and boy did he do great! He slept some, ate a bunch :) and played "hokie pokie" a LOT! Dee was a HUGE help on the plane too...and the whole weekend! Silas was a trooper the whole weekend, actually, when he was taken all over the place and hardly got any sleep (some of that was on his own account, since it was hard to sleep in a new, unfamiliar place and an unfamiliar bed). I was so proud of him! I got to see some old friends and familiar faces as well as introduce (and show off) Silas to everyone. It was also so cute to see Josie and Kaiya playing with him. Especially Josie.....she is such a good big sister and wanted to take care of Silas too!

On Sunday he turned five months old! I didn't get an "official" five month pic on Sunday, but these taken over the weekend can count for it. You'll see he is getting big....and getting chunky too! He is now finally sleeping a bit better too! Maybe it was because he was so pooped when we got home and/or the fact that he was so thankful to be back in his own bed, but Sunday night when we got home (late) he slept from 10:30 pm until 6:45am......then ate and went back down and slept until 10am!!!! Then the past two nights he's slept anywhere from eight to nine hour stretches...waking up ONCE to eat and then sleeping until 7:30 or 8! Maybe we're turning a corner! Praise the Lord!!!!

Here we are before getting on Silas' first flight!

Awww...thankfully he fell asleep and slept some on the two flights there.

His jaw is dropped at the beauty and cuteness of his cousin, Kaiya!

Annie (with baby Patton :)), me and Lainey at Annie's shower

Josie showing us how she loves to take care of her cousin.

And here she is showing us how much she loves him.

Silas sat up for a while with the boppy holding him up...i'm hoping he'll catch on and start sitting up on his own!!

Josie and Aunt Allie "inspired" to wear our matching t-shirts! We all spent Friday afternoon hanging out outside in the sun.....it was in the 70s all weekend long!

Silas and Kaiya.....aren't they cute?!? One other thing i learned this weekend is that Silas is going to be hot natured like his dad. As you can tell from the gleam on his head, he is a sweater...and poor thing stayed hot the whole weekend!

Here's Dee with Silas and Josie....teaching them all about PBSKids.org.