Tuesday, November 11, 2008

One month old!

YEAH! Silas is one month old!!! Saturday was his big one month birthday, so we had our own little celebration. I'm a litle late on the post, but oh well. This month has passed quickly (I won't say flown by, since it's been a little trying, but it definitely did pass quickly). My favorite part(s) of this first month have been learning all the sounds he makes. He grunts SOO much and SOOOO loud. It can get a little frustrating at night when he's totally sleeping, but just grunting so loudly. But, it cracks us up. I'm not fond of the gagging noises he makes, but we've gotten used to them. Oh, and Silas is getting so big! We had his one month appointment yesterday and he is now 9 lbs 8 0z....and ahead of the curve in his length :) We had our first vaccine, too....it was so hard for mommy and daddy to watch, but he was so brave and only cried for a second. Silas did great too :).

The Ped also said she could still hear his murmur so we are going to go ahead with seeing a cardiologist about it. We will go and see him next Tuesday, but we are confident that it's all in the Lord's hands and that everything is fine and Silas is healthy. Here are a few pics to prove it! :)

This is Scott's favorite pic of the "birthday party." I personally like the other one above (except for the red eye), but they are both cute. I think Silas looks a little scared in this one, like thinking....what is going on here?. And, don't worry, the candle looks much closer to his face in the pics than it was in person.

Here's the happy family celebrating our little one month old.

Scott and mini-Scott

And, of course, it wouldn't be a complete Saturday without a Razorback game. Silas just chilled out on his Hog blanket (compliments of Nana & Pops) and literally watched the game on tv :)


amywelborn said...

Wow, he is a little Scott! David and I just clicked on your page and both laughed at how he looks like a mini me! I love that you guys gave him a party...too cute!

davidarambel said...

Happy One Month Silas...your getting really big and still look just like your Dad (that's a good thing Scott..miniyou)..
We are looking forward to actually meeting you on the 9th of December.