Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tummy Time

Silas had some tummy time today and is getting so good and lifting up his head. He actually lifted it up and rolled it to the other side! I'm so proud of my strong boy! and yes, that is his loud toot in the background! :)


Jessica said...

Yay for tummy time! And that was a good one...I am sure Daddy is proud. I knew he was sweet, but seeing him animated is too cute!

-brittany- said...

You are so strong!

amywelborn said...

He does good at tummy time! Maddox always HATED it! He's a cutie!

Tommy, Allison, & Abby said...

What in the word is playing in the background? Is that Goulet? :) Congrats, Silas! You are strong and gassy!

Amanda Adams said...

Strong and gassy. I love him!
Love the video....miss him. miss you.

Amanda Adams said...

Like your new blog background too.