Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Silas' first laugh!

Last night while Scott was giving Silas his bath, Scott had him completely cracking up. This was the first REAL laugh he's had....he's had a giggle here and there and a "cooey" smile, but this was for real. I was in the kitchen, and by the time i actually realized it was him laughing, i grabbed the camera as fast as i could to catch what i could of it. THese are definitely cute laughs, but i was a little late in getting there, so they're not quite as deep laugs as he was bellying out. Either way, i'm just so glad i could get a little bit of it, and now i will always know the day Silas had his first REAL laugh!


Jessica said...

That is SO SO SWEET!!!!! Gage heard it while I was watching it and said and signed "baby".

amywelborn said...

HOW CUTE!!! I feel like Cruz is thisclose to laughing. It is so fun to watch babies do new things! How is staying home with the little guy? I'm sure you love it!
Hope the sleep thing gets better for you...not having sleep makes everything harder! It will get better, I promise!