Okay, so it's been a little while since our last post. There really isn't much to catch you up on other than Silas is now officially sitting up (though he will tump over from time to time) and also rolling over....FINALLY!!! YEAH!!! He can roll from tummy to back and back to tummy....but not all at once. Also, at night some times he'll roll from his back to his tummy and end up waking up b/c he's uncomfortable and rather than just rolling himself back over, he calls out for me to come do it for him. :) Also, we had an awesome trip to Colorado to see Amanda and the boys. We had a blast....the flight there was a little harrowing (Silas was getting over a virus and his ears were bothering him....so, combine that with the airplane pressure, being exhausted, and just overall uncomfortable....it was not that fun). But, oh so worth it because we got to stay for a week and a half! First, Aunt Mana had a fun surprise waiting for us at the house. New summer outifts for Silas (sooo cute...you can see one of them in the first pic above) and she even had a personalized Colorado mini-license plate made for him with his name on it! Soooo cool!
We also got to do sooo much....from walking Parker to school every day, to a Sunday afternoon hike, to Cinco de Mayo festivities, to turning seven months old, to playing "Guess Who" with Parker and Will, to building forts (oh, wait, we only did that once) :) to just plain ole Boulder fun (for just me and Mana.....oh, and Silas too). The only down side of it is that we missed daddy terribly! I wasn't able to post all the pics from the week, but i added a few of my favorites below. BUT, if you go to my facebook page, i posted lots more there. Enjoy!
He's looking so much like his daddy! Everybody looks great and now you have made me jealous. Ever since we visited your sister last summer I have been dying to go back to do some outdoor things! Give my love to your family!
He's been taking weight gain advice from his cousin, Gage, hasn't he?!? I love those squishy cheeks! I'm glad yall had a fun and safe trip.
Oh my heavens....I NEED A NEW POST!!!!!!!!~!!!!
oh my goodness.
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