Sunday, May 4, 2008


"You are the God who answerd me in the day of my distress and have been with me wherever i have gone." Genesis 35:3

At our last OB appt. i took a test (blood test) called a quad screen, that is a maternal screening for birth defects. It's called a quad screen, because it's a collection of four hormone levels, and they're used to determine my risk of having a baby afflicted with a neural tube defect, Down syndrome, or Trisomy. Needless to say, it's a bit nerve-racking of a test.

Well, the blood was drawn on a Tuesday and they said i'd get the results back by Friday (which would have been LAST Friday, April 25). I didn't get a call and so on the following Monday i called to follow up. They didn't have the results back, and the same went for every other day this week....i'd call and follow up, and they'd still not have results back. So, we began to get a little nervous, so on Thursday when i called, i asked the nurse if there was a problem or if there was any cause for alarm. She called the lab AGAIN and asked the same questions (for all we knew they had botched the blood sample and we'd have to draw it again), but they just said they had been backed up and there was really no other reason than that.

SO.....on Friday i called yet again and left a voicemail for my nurse and at about 4:45 got a call on my cell phone. I recognized the number and picked it up, but it wasn't the nurse, it was my doctor!! My stomach fell to my toes when she called b/c i just thought that she was calling to tell me something was wrong. BUT, oh ye (me) of little faith, she was calling to let me know that the results came back normal and all is perfect! Praise the Lord! The nurse was out of the office that day and my doctor knew we'd been waiting on these results so she wanted to call me directly to let me know. whew! I told her how thoughtful i thought it was that she would take the time out of her busy day delivering babies and patients out the wazoo to call me, rather than wait till Monday when the nurse could do it. Dr. Newman is THE BEST!!!!

So, now, the biggest news we'll be waiting for is our May 20 appt. when we'll find if our little avocado is a boy or a girl! Our God is so good....and so faithful!


Jessica said...

Praise God! I am so glad you got good results, even if it took a while.

Amanda Adams said...

Wonderful! I am so thankful!
Is it too soon to ask for more pics?