Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Half way there!

Here we are....20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go. I'm feeling great, though getting bigger every second and with every morsel of food that goes down the hatch! The other night i met a sweet, sweet lady who got just so excited about my being pregnant and wanted to feel my belly, and as she did, asked how far along i was. But before i could answer she said "wait, let me guess...........six months." i didn't know whether to guffaw laughing or cry in disbelief, but the only thing that uttered out of my mouth was "um.......four." Then of course she gasped and said, wow, you've got yourself a big baby in there! All the things i've read about baby boy fincher at this stage is that he is the size of a banana. Try a BANANA ON STEROIDS!!!! Anyway, at least i have one healthy little man growing inside of me. I'm so thankful for that.

In addition to being a big, healthy boy, he's also a mover and a shaker! I've been feeling him kick at least a few times every day now. The other day was the first time scott got to finally feel him. I'd been telling him that the baby was kicking, then he'd place his hand where i felt it, but then he'd stop (guess he's just showing off for his momma :)). But on Sunday, we stopped at Sonic after church (yes, the sonic cherry limeade and tater tots are the combo of choice these days) to grab a bite before going to our friend Sarah Catherine's soccer game and it was like the little guy could tell that we were stopping there and just started kicking in total excitement. As soon as we stopped the car, scott placed his hand there and sure enough....he got to feel his son kick for the first time! I know it was awesome for him, you should have seen the look on his face!

Yeah, i have no clue who this kid is, but i thought he was too cute to pass up, but that really is how he looked :)


-brittany- said...

You are too cute! Look how much your belly has grown since 19 weeks...you were not covering the light switch in the pic back then okay and you moved over to the left a little this time. Anyway your belly is adorable!

Dave and Betty said...

You guys look great and we are so excited for both of you!
I guess I'm going to have to visit the Hog Shop and make sure that baby boy has some more Hog accessories to pick from.
We miss you all
Love Aunt Betty

Keli said...

ALLLLLLLLLLIE! I am so excited for you guys. I miss working with you a ton and hope all has gone well with the other FMC girls. Janet sent me your blog. Boys are great - mine makes me giggle on a daily basis. :) You will love mommyhood. I miss you and think of you often! Congrats. Keli Openshaw

amywelborn said...

Hey girl! Looking good! Scott told me about your blog so I've been keeping up with ya! We have one too so check it out.
I havent' posted any pics yet, but i'm only 14 weeks and I am pretty sure my belly is bigger than yours at 20, so don't listen to that lady! Ha!
Amy Welborn